Lunch at the UTMT
Hotel in Sri Lanka

Street food in Sri Lanka

or Sri Lankan curry

A traditional Sinhalese curry comes in many different forms. Generally, it is served in three different variations. Mostly vegetarian, always including Dhal (lentil) curry

Dhal curry provides vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins. In combination with grains, it contains essential amino acids that the body need.

You can choose between chicken, fish or vegetarian curry ....

All of our curries are served with rice, sambal, malum, pickle & poppadom

or, here is a small excerpt from our UTMT street food menu:<

  • Deviled Prawns
    ... Something you’ll find in every seafood restaurant. All fans of spicy food are certain to love this dish. The flavor of fresh prawns in combination with Sri Lankan chili creates the perfect harmony.
  • Catch of the day
    ... Every day, fresh out of the sea. From Dondra's fish market just around the corner, we prepare a fish dish that changes from day to day.
  • Club Sandwich
    with tuna, chicken or egg
  • Fish n' Chips
    mit grünen Bananenchips, Zitronengrasmayonnaise, Ingwerbutter & ausgemachtem Chilli-Vanille-Salz
  • UTMT Salat
    with green banana chips, lemongrass mayonnaise, ginger butter & homemade chili-vanilla salt
  • Caesar´s Salad
    with cabbage, papaya, mango, chili, cashews and lemongrass

Our Offers

from €

Absorb the positive energy and tranquility to your very core, sway gently in the hammock, do something good for yourself and your health.......

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from €

For family holidays in Sri Lanka with children, UTMT offers countless sensational opportunities. learn more..........

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from €

Time for girlfriends – time just for me. Friendships – need to be nurtured for a lifetime. How? With our special mango friends offer.......

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from €

After a journey amid the clouds, finally arrive in paradise. Wake up in the morning together, as the first rays of sunshine..........

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from €

Wake up in the morning together, as the first rays of sunshine tickle your skin and the sea breeze wafts over you.......

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from €

For 3 days, concentrate just on yourself and your personal needs. Choose from different options: Ayurveda Pure or......

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from €

Can we interest you in pure Ayurveda? Not quite as strict as Panchakarma therapy, yet an extensive program with......

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from €

The UTMT Hotel, specialized in the field of Ayurvedic detoxification therapy, has put together a special detox program for you that...

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from €

Float above the clouds without a care in the world, allowing the countryside to pass you by, simply watching....

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from €

UTMT provides you with the facilities and professional guidance to get the most out of therapy true to classic Ayurveda teachings....

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from €

from 1 May 2023 until October 2023, we will offer the following hot deals in addition to our regular packages. learn more............

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Our Accomodations

Double room

Between mangroves and palm trees.

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Pool Room

Between mangroves and palm trees.

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